(part one)
(EN) Drawing is my latest passion. Well… drawing dorky, childish and not informative things. After drawing about the city of Melbourne, I decided to tackle the nineties that I worship too much. In fact, because it is the best decade in music history (yes it is ;), I already dedicated more than 30 articles to it (are they here). My intention today is to complement them with some very lame charts, made while listening to Pearl Jam. A playlist goes with it (down below). Here is part one, dedicated to the albums released between 1990 and 1994. Part two will be published in the coming weeks. Cheers.
(FR) Ma nouvelle passion, c’est le dessin. Enfin… le dessin un peu pourri, enfantin et peu informatif. Après m’être attaqué à la ville de Melbourne, j’ai décidé de dessiner la décennie 90s à laquelle je voue un culte trop particulier. Convaincu qu’il s’agit de la meilleure décennie de l’histoire de la musique, j’ai déjà rédigé plus de 30 articles à son sujet (ils sont ici). Je les complète aujourd’hui avec une infographie réalisée avec dévotion, et Pearl Jam dans les oreilles, histoire qu’ils soient bien cheesy. Une playlist accompagne le tout (en fin d’article). Voici donc la première partie de cette “étude”, dédiée aux albums sortis entre 1990 et 1994. La seconde partie suivra dans les jours prochains. Cheers.
It starts with an overview of the grunge level:
It then goes this way, putting bands on cheesy scales:
And overall, it leads to:

List of all albums considered for this “study”:
ALICE IN CHAINS “Dirt” (1992) | ARCHERS OF LOAF “Icky Mettle” (1994) | BEAT HAPPENING “You Turn Me On” (1992) | BECK “One Foot In The Grave” (1994) | BLAKE BABIES “Sunburn” (1990) | BUILT TO SPILL “There’s Nothing Wrong With Love” (1994) | CHRIS BELL “I Am The Cosmos” (1992) | CHRIS VON SNEIDERN “Big White Lies” (1994) | DANIEL JOHNSTON “1990” (1990) | DINOSAUR JR. “Green Mind” (1991) | ELLIOTT SMITH “Roman Candle” (1994) | ERECTUS MONOTONE “Close Up” (1993) | FURTHER “Super Griptape” (1993) | GALAXIE 500 “This Is Our Music” (1990) | GUIDED BY VOICES “Bee Thousand” (1994) | JESUS AND MARY CHAIN “Stoned & Dethroned” (1994) | JULIANA HATFIELD “Hey Babe” (1992) | MAGGIE ESTEP “No More Mister Nice Girl” (1994) | MY BLOODY VALENTINE “Loveless” (1991) | MERCURY REV “Yerself Is Steam” (1991) | NATION OF ULYSSES “13-Point Program to Destroy American” (1993) | NIRVANA “In Utero” (1993) | PANSY DIVISION “Undressed” (1993) | PAVEMENT “Slanted & Enchanted” (1992) | PEARL JAM “Ten” (1991) | PIXIES “Bossanova” (1990) | POLVO “Cor-Crane Secret” (1992) | PORTASTIC “I Hope Your Heart is Not Brittle” (1993) | SEBADOH “Bubble and Scrape” (1993) | SLINT “Spiderland” (1991) | SONIC YOUTH “Goo” (1990) | SUPERCHUNK “Foolish” (1994) | TALL DWARFS “Fork Songs” (1991) | THE BREEDERS “Last Splash” (1993) | THE JESUS LIZARD “Goat” (1991) | THE SMASHING PUMPKINS “Siamese Dream” (1993) | VERUCA SALT “American Thighs” (1994) | WEEN “Pure Guava” (1992) | YO LA TENGO “Electr-o-pura” (1995)
(you’ve earned it)
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